- Velikost:
- 16,5 x 23,5 cm
- Tisk:
- enobarvni
- Število strani:
- 240
- Vezava:
- broširano
- 9789616746649
- Prodajna koda:
- 8045
- Cena:
- 25,00 €
- Akcijska cena:
- 15,00 €
Zgodovino so vedno pisali zmagovalci, ki so poveličevali svojo zmago in omalovaževali nasprotno stran, zato so skrbno pazili, da se zgodovina ni spreminjala, saj bi to pomenilo konec njihovih slavospevov, ki bi se lahko sprevrgli v izrazito genocidna dejanja.
Prav to se dogaja v naši zgodovinski stroki, ki se še ni otresla dosedanjega služenja preteklim režimom Dunaju, Moskvi in Beogradu, ki so zahtevali poveličevanje germanstva, panslovanstva, jugoslovanstva in revolucije, saj to počne še danes in celo trdi, da se zgodovina ne spreminja.
Tako stališče je posmeh znanosti, saj se podporne zgodovinske znanosti hitro razvijajo, kar še posebej velja za genetiko, ki dosedanje zgodovinske trditve o pozni priselitvi Slovencev nedvoumno dokazuje kot lažne. Prav zgodovina mora biti najbolj spremenljiva, saj je sklop njenih podpornih znanosti in mora sproti vgrajevati njihova nova znanja in njihove dokaze.
Sedanje delovanje nekaterih zgodovinarjev je usmerjeno proti Slovencem in proti samostojni državi Sloveniji, saj z lažno zgodovino spodkopuje temelj državnosti, ki je v narodnem ponosu. Odgovornost zgodovinarjev je velika in državna oblast, ki jih financira, mora preveriti njihovo delo s stališča resnice in zahtevati, da bo zgodovina Slovencev temeljila na dokazih.
History is always written by the winners, who hailed their victory and playing down the opposite side, so they watch carefully that history could not be changed, as it would mean the end of their canticles, which could be turned in very acts of genocide.
This is exactly what happens in our history profession, which has not yet shed the past service to previous regime of Vienna, Moscow and Belgrade, which required glorification of Germanic, Pan- Slavic, Yugoslav and revolution, as it does today, and even argues that history does not change.
This position is a mockery to science, because the historical supporting sciences develop rapidly, especially genetics which previous historical claims of late immigration of Slovenes clearly demonstrated as false. It is history to be the most variable, because it is the set of its support sciences and must actively installed their new skills and their evidence.
The current operation of historians is directed against the Slovenes and against independent Slovenia, because the false history undermines the foundation of statehood, which is in the national pride. Responsibility of historians is great and government that funded them must check their work in terms of truth and require that the history of the Slovenes will based on evidence.