- Velikost:
- 16,5 x 23,5 cm
- Tisk:
- enobarvni
- Število strani:
- 284
- Vezava:
- broširano
- 9789616433518
- Prodajna koda:
- 7036
- Cena:
- 16,60 €
- Akcijska cena:
- 10,00 €
Po konferencah septembra 2001 in 2002 ter maja in oktobra 2003, je bila v okviru projekta Korenine slovenskega naroda konferenca tudi junija 2005 in sicer pod naslovom »Staroselci v Evropi«.
Namen konference je bil, zbrati čim več podatkov o naši preteklosti do »preseljevanja narodov«, to je čim več dejstev in argumentov, ki govorijo bodisi za to, da so se naši predniki takrat priselili, bodisi za to, da so živeli na sedanjih in okoliških ozemljih že od prej. Pričakujemo namreč, da bi se po njihovi primerjavi prej ali slej ugotovilo, kako je najverjetneje bilo.
Predvideli smo naslednje glavne teme in nekaj podtem:
Arheološke sledi:
- Predindoevropski razvoj v Evropi
- Indoevropski razvoj do kultuie žarnih grobišč
- Kultura žarnih grobišč, njen nastanek, razvoj in njene razsežnosti
Nadaljnji razvoj do leta 700 po Kr. Jezikovne sledi:
Napisi v jezikih staroselcev
- Jezikovni zaklad staroselcev
- Slovansko zveneči in pojmovno ustrezni toponimi
Druge jezikovne sledi Zgodovinske, kulturne, etnološke in genetske sledi:
Pisni viri
- Pripovedno ustno izročilo - ljudske pesmi, bajke, legende
- Verovanja, narodni običaji in drugo
Genetske sledi Druge sledi:
Del svojih zastavljenih ciljev je posvetovanje doseglo in v tem nalogo uspešno opravilo. Dosežki so predstavljeni v prispevkih, zbranih v tem Zborniku. Jezik prispevkov je po izbiri avtorjev. Povzetki so v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku. Following the conferences of September 2001 and 2002, June and October 2003 - as a part of the long-term project The Origins of Slovenians - there was also a conference in June 2005 titled »Ancient Settlers of Europe«.
The aim of the latest conference was to collect as many facts, pieces of evidence, and
arguments as possible about our distant past up to the period of the great migrations of peoples, which could speak either in favour of the assumption that the ancestors of Slovenians immigrated as a part of those migrations, or that they lived in their present territories long before.
In this way the resulting confrontation of evidence, arguments and comparison of facts should reveal the most probable objective truth about our distant past.
We have foreseen the following main topics and sub-topics:
Archaeological traces:
- Pre-Indo-European developments in Europe
- Indo-European development up to the Urnfield cultuie
- Urnfield culture, its beginnings, evolution and extension
Subsequent evolution up to the year 700 AD Linguistic traces:
Inscriptions in the languages of ancient peoples
- Linguistic thesaurus of ancient peoples
Slavic-like toponyms compared in sound and meaning to Slovenian Other linguistic traces Historical, cultural, ethnological and genetic traces:
Documents and other written sources
- Narrative oral transmission, folk songs, myths, legends
- National traditions, customs and others
Genetic traces Other traces:
Pursuing this goal, the conference partially succeeded and its outcome is offered in the present Proceedings. The authors chose the language of their contributions themselves. The abstracts are in English as well as in Slovenian.